A Year and a Day

A Year and a Day is the time frame that Wiccans and Pagans sometimes hold themselves to, for example handfasting (wedding) vows are not made “until death do us part” but are made for “a year and a day” which can be renewed after the time period ends. This reflects the fact that we as individuals grow, and it is natural to outgrow things and change direction in life.

My posts under this category reflect my own personal beliefs. I try to follow Pagan traditions, but I don’t think I have made it to Wicca yet. I am more in touch with the Earth’s cycles and want to live as closely to the Earth and the seasons as I can. As my blog takes shape and evolves, you will be able to find information relating to the 8 Sabbats, as well as the Esbats (Full Moons). I will also include rituals for anyone who is interested. I also invite readers and followes to share their experiences and thoughts with me here in A Year and a Day


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